Stalks of Flavor: Using Celery Sticks to Make a Meal

Celery sticks are often used as an addition to meals, but with so much potential in them, why not use them to create a meal? Follow this recipe and enjoy the nutritional and flavourful stalks of this vegetable.

Preparing a Meal with Celery Sticks

Transform celery sticks into a creamy dish with nuts and bacon bits. This vegetable is a great garden staple and a versatile ingredient in your meals and snacks. Let’s get cooking!


Fresh Celery Seeds
Celery sticks  
Creamy cream cheese (1 cup) 
Half a packet of thick white onion soup 
Tabasco sauce 
Worcester sauce 
Nuts for an extra crunch 
Bacon bits
1 cup of Celery leaves  
1 teaspoon of salt  


Step 1:
Start with your celery seeds. Sow them and water them regularly, and in just two months, you’ll have a lush green patch ready to be harvested. 

Step 2:  
Once ready, harvest them from the outside, letting the center flourish.

Step 3:
To make celery salt, microwave the celery leaves between paper towels for two minutes, then mix with 1 teaspoon of coarse salt. Store them in an airtight jar and they’re ready to season your food. 

Step 4:
Chop off the celery leaves and rinse off the dirt from the stalks. Sieve half a packet of thick white onion soup into your cream cheese, then add a dash of Tabasco sauce and another dash or two of Worcester sauce.  Mix it all together. Make a makeshift piping bag by putting your creamy mix into a plastic, moving it towards one corner of the plastic, ensuring that it does not reach the tip, then cutting the tip off. Then adorn your celery sticks with your cream cheese mixture, chopped nuts and bacon bits. 

Step 5:
Sprinkle a dash of your homemade celery salt, and you’re ready to indulge in your creamy celery meal.

In just a few easy steps, you’ve transformed a simple veggie into a nutritious and delicious meal. Enjoy with family and friends!