Tips For Mastering and Caring for Potted Plants

Whether you have a vast garden or a snug patio, pots are a wonderful addition to any outdoor space. Choose durable pots for all-weather resilience and lasting beauty. Get the right information on what plants work best in different conditions and make sure you give them a head start with a good, nutritious soil mix. From petite petunias to Cyprus in big pots, create a harmonious blend of shapes and colors. Maintain the charm with occasional clean-ups, and your pots will bring you lasting joy!

Make the Most of Your Space
with Potted Perfection

Picking Pots
When choosing a pot, consider durability. Select a good-quality pot that will last in all weather conditions. Size does matter – bear in mind what you plan to plant in your pots. Make sure there is enough room for the plants to grow comfortably, and that the pot will be able to support larger plants without falling over. Also consider the other elements in the area you’re planning to use the pots – choose similar colours to blend in, or create a bold statement with contrasting coulours and textures.

Selecting Plants 
Think about how much sun your desired spot gets. If it’s sunny, pick plants like geraniums and daisies. For a shady spot, plectranthus and fuchsia will make a beautiful addition. Spend some time at your garden center, chat to an expert and read the plant labels, that way you’ll be able to find what will work best in your space.

Small or Big – It Works! 
For small pots, try petunias and night sky flowers. In big pots, go for Cyprus, pelargoniums, calendula, and Lotus. As they grow bigger, keep them well trimmed and looking tidy. 

Vary Colours and Shapes 
To create a visually striking centerpiece, place a large plant in the middle of your pot as the focal point, to add height and interest to the arrangement. For some balance and fullness, place a few mid-height plants around this main feature, and then let some plants hang off the sides. This arrangement technique helps fill out the pot, creating a harmonious blend of colors and shapes. 

Keep it Tidy
Most pots will need to be watered at least once or twice a week. Remember, the plants are contained and their root’s canlt go searching for water, so you have to keep them in good supply. Dig your finder into the soil, if it’s dry, it needs a water. It’s also a good idea to use a liquid fertiliser once a month to top up the nutrients in the pot. Keep flowering plants clear of dead or dying blooms, trim back excess leaves and you’ll keep your pots looking grand!

Regardless of whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just dipping your toes into the world of greenery, remember, it’s not about the size of your space – it’s about the joy you cultivate within it. Embrace the simplicity and beauty of potted plants, and let your outdoor oasis thrive.