Choosing the Best Pots for Your Plants

Plants are an important aspect of any garden, and so are the pots that you choose to house them in. The containers that you choose for your plants play a big role in the look and feel of your garden, giving it some character and personality. Follow these tips to ensure that you achieve potting perfection in your garden, turning it into a welcoming space.   

Using Plant Pots to Express Yourself in Your Garden

Gardening can be a form of self-expression. Use your garden as an extension of who you are by choosing pot plants that show off your personality. Arrange them creatively in and around your garden space to create a welcoming space that speaks to who you are. Let your imagination come to life! 

What You’ll Need:

Various-sized pots 
Tape measure 
Ferns, succulents, and bromeliads 
Terracotta or concrete pots 


Step 1:
Before purchasing the pots, visualise how they will fit into your space. You may choose pots with different finishes, but to maintain a sense of harmony, ensure that you choose pots with similar and consistent styles. 

Step 2:
Strategically choose pots of different sizes to add balance and variety. Ensure they complement your home’s size – avoid small pots for towering structures. 

Step 3:
Add character by arranging your pots creatively. Let your imagination guide the placement of your plants. Maintain a cohesive look by using similar plants, like elegant agaves and unique succulents. 

Step 4:
Think creatively about containers, and remember, anything can become a pot plant. Using old buckets, boots, or coffee tins can add a unique and personal touch.   

Step 5:
Once your pot plants start outgrowing their pots, give them a new home in your garden. Revitalize neglected spaces in and around your garden with shade-loving plants like ferns and bromeliads. 

Step 6:
Embrace natural elements in your garden like fallen tree trunks as homes for bromeliads, or natural leaf mulch for a lush garden floor. Experiment with colors and textures while maintaining a cohesive theme. 

Let your garden be a sanctuary for you and your loved ones by choosing pot plants that show off your unique personality and creativity. Happy gardening!