The Gardener & Friends is a captivating gardening television show that invites viewers to explore the world of gardening alongside the renowned, green-fingered Tanya Visser, and her gardening friends. Set against the backdrop of South Africa’s breathtaking landscapes, the program showcases inspirational gardens designed by some of the country’s most talented landscapers. Each episode of The Gardener & Friends offers a delightful mix of entertainment and education, as Tanya and her friends share easy-to-follow DIY projects that viewers can replicate in their own gardens. From growing mouth-watering veggies to building eye-catching garden features, the show provides practical tips and creative ideas for both novice and experienced gardeners alike. Moreover, The Gardener & Friends keeps viewers informed about the latest gardening tools and gadgets, ensuring that they stay up to date with must-have equipment to enhance their gardening experience.
Show Times:
Mon 14:30 | Tue 21:00 | Wed 09:00 & 18:30 | Thu 13:00 & 23:30 | Fri 17:00 | Sat 12:00 & 19:00 | Sun 16:00 & 23:00