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Mosaic Coffee Tray

By Lemaryn Alberts
Mosaics By Lemaryn


  • 1 x wooden tray
  • Assorted tiles (see instructions for making your own glass tiles for a personal touch)
  • Craft glue
  • Grout
  • Mosaic inserts
  • 2 wheel cutter
  • Craft knife


  • IMG_5368Step 1: Place all mosaic pieces out in front of you, shiny side up.
  • Step 2: Place you feature tiles& inserts(key tiles) on the board where you want them. Continueplacing all your tiles spreading the colors evenly from the inside out. Try keeping the space in between the tiles to a minimum. Make use of your 2 wheel cutter so all the pieces fit together like a puzzle.
  • Step 3: Only start applying glue when you are happy with the layout. Apply the glue onto the wood, covering a small sectionat a time. Evenly and not too thick! Use more glue on your ceramic insertsas they are heavier. Leave it to dry for 3 hours until all thegluehas dried clear.

Grout as follows:

  1. Mix the grout with water, 3 parts grout 1 part water in a bowl.
  2. Mix until all the lumps are gone and it’s the consistency of toothpaste.
  3. Apply the grout quickly all over. Make sure it goes into all the grooves & spaces. As soon as all the mosaic tiles are covered,wipe the excess off with a moist cloth and allow to dry for 20minutes.
  4. Using a soft cloth,wipe your mosaicsclean.
  5. You can use a water based sealer to seal the grout but it’s not necessary as only a minimal amount was used.

Making Glass Tiles

By Lemaryn Alberts
Mosaics By Lemaryn


  • Small pre-cut glass sheets
  • Special glass glue
  • Paint brush
  • Pictures or printed paper


  • IMG_5380Step 1: Ensure that your glass tile is clean and free of finger prints.
  • Step 2: Cut paper or picture to size of glass.
  • Step 3: Spread the special glass glue evenly, not too thick and covering the whole piece of glass.
  • Step 4: Place your paper onto glass and apply pressure with your fingers, to remove air bubbles. Turn the tile over so you can see what you are doing. Ensure that the corners and sides are properly glued down.
  • Step 5: Place in a sunny spot for + -30 min.  Your very own glass tile is now complete and ready to be used.

Guest Contact Details:

Lemaryn (082 351 1314)